Punch the Clock (And Everything Else)

You are on the edge of being fired! Engage in battle with the office appliances to complete your assigned tasks before the day ends.

A short game made for the VimJam2 Game Jam


Game Design by Caleb Vatral

Art by: Limezu, Kobliznik, Joshshshsh, Nat1Wizard

Music ©2021 Joshua McLean
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


v1.0.2 - A workaround was found for the reversed controls and gamepad input should now work as expected.

v1.0.0 - There is currently a bug in the WebGL export of unity that causes the gamepad analog sticks to be reversed. Please instead use the keyboard inputs or utilize the D-Pad instead of the left stick for gamepad input.


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really good art aswell and the mechanics are good

really good game idea. i really like the Pokémon battle thing with the copy machine and the phone and everything else. although it was unclear where i was supposed to be going